Inspire Surgery and Alternative Sleep Apnea Treatments


Sleep apnea is a medical disorder in which your breathing stops and restarts multiple times while sleeping. While common, the condition can be severe because the throat muscles block the airway, preventing the lungs from receiving enough air. The effects of sleep apnea include loud snoring, restless sleep, headaches, and trouble concentrating during the day. Fortunately, multiple treatment options are available for those suffering from the condition.

Inspire Surgery

Inspire surgery is a sleep apnea treatment that uses a device to stimulate the muscles in the patient’s throat during sleep to keep the airway open. The device is implanted under the skin during an outpatient procedure, and the recovery time is relatively short. The device is then controlled by a remote, which allows the patient to turn it relatively short. The device is then controlled by a remote, which allows the patient to turn the device on before falling asleep and off when waking up.

While many sleep apnea specialists recommend Inspire Surgery as a convenient treatment option, the surgery isn’t a practical option for every patient with sleep apnea. Basic guidelines for Inspire determine whether a person is a good candidate for the procedure. Reports from the FDA show that roughly three-quarters of patients who are good candidates for the procedure experience significant improvement. Candidates for Inspire must meet specific criteria including:

  • Having a history of OSA with a moderate to severe diagnosis
  • Having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of less than 35
  • Be a minimum of 18 years old
  • Have used CPAP without achieving the desired results

Patients should know that the National Institute of Health states that adverse effects have been associated with Inspire Surgery. Common side effects from the procedure include infection, hematoma, and neuropraxia. The cost of Inspire can also be an issue. If you don’t have insurance coverage, the surgery could cost $30,000 to $40,000.

Spark Sleep Solutions Offers CPAP Alternatives for Sleep Apnea

Spark Sleep Solutions in San Ramon provides effective treatments for sleep apnea issues. We provide the expertise and care you need with portable oral devices that are FDA-approved for sleep apnea. We offer more than 100 CPAP alternatives and specialize in Sleep Apnea and treatments for snoring. As a Dental Sleep Medicine practice with expertise in TMJ therapy, we successfully treat patients with a dental appliance that opens the airway rather than allowing soft tissue and the tongue to collapse during sleep. You may schedule an appointment at our San Ramon location to learn about the risks of sleep apnea and our sleep solutions.

Effective Sleep Apnea Treatments

If you are at risk of sleep apnea, it’s essential to contact our sleep apnea specialists at Spark Sleep Solutions. Our specialists offer effective sleep solutions that are alternatives to CPAP. Our sleep appliances don’t rely on:

  • Cords
  • Hoses
  • Filters
  • Masks

The appliances work without replacements for humidifier tanks. Our devices are safe, non-invasive, and FDA-approved. Our devices are worn discreetly, are quiet, and comfortable when sleeping. The devices are small and convenient when you’re traveling. Since there aren’t any parts to replace, there aren’t any additional costs. The devices are suitable for patients with any orthodontic or dental condition. Another advantage is our sleep solutions are cost-effective and covered by most medical insurance plans.

Spark Sleep Solutions focuses on sleep apnea and commits to developing solutions to improve sleep quality for each patient. If you have questions about sleep apnea and our CPAP alternatives, please contact us at 408-490-0182. We’ll happily answer your questions, discuss our sleep apnea treatment options, or schedule an appointment.