What Are My Sleep Apnea Treatment Options

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that causes breathing to repeatedly stop and start during sleep. At Spark Sleep Solutions, we take sleep apnea very seriously and understand that every patient is different and may need individualized treatment options to correct their sleep apnea. At our practice, we offer continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) alternativeContinue

How to Help Your Partner with Sleep Apnea

If your partner or spouse has sleep apnea and requires a CPAP machine, mouthpiece or other oral sleep appliance, staying positive and supportive throughout the process of testing, diagnosis and treatment will benefit both of you. Sleep Apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder that affects approximately 22 million Americans, but as many as 80Continue

How a Lack of Sleep Impacts Your Life

At Spark Sleep Solutions, our mission is to help our patients achieve the deep, restful sleep they deserve, and we’re proud to offer a variety of noninvasive sleep apnea treatments to help achieve that goal. Great sleep is something everyone deserves, and for good reason: sleep loss is a serious problem that can have muchContinue